By June

Lone Starry Nights
1 min readFeb 18, 2021

You know how they say you increase the odds of success by simply standardizing a trajectory of incremental gains? I don’t know, do they say that? Well, I think the same phenomena exists with adventure. The more challenges you encounter, seek out, stand up to, and experience to conclusion tend to increase the odds of accumulating likened experiences. Before you know it, someone will be constantly asking you for your time.

Time. Time is so valuable.

It can take up to six days for a sperm to fertilize an egg after sex and conception to occur. It only takes seven minutes to suffocate to death. It can take a lifetime of training just to run a seven minute mile. We can launch into space in eight minutes.

Days, minutes, seconds. Time.

Looking up from my espresso dressed with a frothy heart you said, “Look, it took no time,” and winked.

